Launch of Dermot Earley Youth Leadership Initiaitive (DEYLI 2023)


This fantastic initiative takes its name from one of Ireland’s and Connacht's most influential leaders and greatest sporting heroes, Dermot Earley. It is aimed at 15-18 year olds, particularly those in TY. It was developed to help equip young people with the skills and qualities necessary to be good leaders, and to challenge them to use these skills to improve society.

The initiative has been held successfully in Clontarf for the last two years and the 2023/24 programme will be run over 3 modules, on Friday evenings, starting in September. For more information and details of the information, click on this link to read the leaflet; there are more FAQs below.

Registration is now open and will close on 14th September. To register to participate: please click on this link

We are holding an information evening for parents and participants on Tuesday 5th September at 9pm.

Zoom meeting ID: 94943365613
Password: 140864


No specific experience is needed, just your enthusiasm and desire to help develop young leaders! The programme is run on a number of Friday evenings between September 2023 and May 2024. Volunteers will receive on line training and ongoing support from our other experienced facilitators.

This is a great opportunity to gain facilitation skills, have fun, and make a real difference to young people's lives. To find out more. or to express interest, please contact the following by Saturday 2nd September:

Clontarf GAA DEYLI Coordinator: Carmel Jordan at / 086 8277103
Clontarf GAA Healthy Club Officer: Ciaran Doran at / 087 2679255 


What is the likely schedule?  
We plan to run module 1 (15 hours workshop format) September to November, module 2 (15 hours workshop format) January to March and module 3 (action learning project) April to May. The schedule for module 1 is 5.30pm - 7.30pm on Fridays starting on 15th September

Must Participants be there for all the sessions?
Full commitment and attendance is expected and participants will be challenged to engage actively in every session. Over 80% attendance, plus full completion of all workbooks, is needed to successfully achieve the programme.

Must I be a member of a GAA Club? 
We welcome applications from all interested local young people and you don’t have to be a current GAA member to apply.  However all participants must be GAA members and we can provide GAA ‘social membership’ for a nominal fee to anyone who needs it. 

Do I get a qualification at the end of the programme?  
On completion of all 3 modules, participants have the option to apply to graduate from NUI Galway with a Foundation Certificate in Youth Leadership and Community Action, accredited at NFQ Level 6.

What is the cost involved? 
To take part in the programme participants pay for the workbooks (€40) and if joining one of the GAA clubs, the special social membership rate is €20.  Application to NUI Galway to be awarded the Certificate is optional and NUIG charge approximately €200 for their assessment and accreditation process.

Is there a selection process to join the programme?  
The places on the programme will be filled on a ‘first come first serve’ basis, up to a maximum of 30 places, with preference given to current TY students.  

Who will facilitate the programme? 
The programme will be run locally by Clontarf GAA Club.  It will be delivered by trained, volunteer facilitators, based on a structure and resources developed by the GAA and Foróige.

For any queries please contact:

Clontarf GAA DEYLI Coordinator: Carmel Jordan at / 086 8277103
Clontarf GAA Healthy Club Officer: Ciaran Doran at / 087 2679255 

Intermediate Men's Footballers v TSS Aug 26 2023

Senior Men's Football Championship. Aug 26 2023 v Fingallians P35

Women's Football - Senior Championship v Castleknock Aug 23 2023

A great win for our Senior Women’s Team this evening against Castleknock in front of a great crowd on Pitch 35. After a tight first half with just two points in it at the break, Clontarf pulled away in the second half to finish the stronger. Final score Clontarf 2-17 (23) Castleknock 1-10 (13).

Some snaps below from the night featuring the game, the supporters young and old and a photoshoot with the Under 12 Clontarf Community Games team.

Senior 3 and Junior D Hurling Championship

Our first (Senior) and second (Junior D) men’s hurling teams were in action on Saturday evening and Sunday morning this weekend. A win for the Juniors v Round Tower Clondalkin and a loss for the seniors in Castleknock.

A gallery of action shots below courtesy of Sean O’Sullivan.

Senior Men's Football Championship v Naomh Mearnóg Aug 12th 2023

A great win for our Senior (first adult team) Men’s Footballers on Saturday evening out in Portmarnock. Well done to the lads and great to see them off to such a good start for the Championship.

Some great photos below from the match with thanks to Sean O’Sullivan.

All Ireland Champions!

Intermediate Men's Football Championship Aug 12th 2023. Clontarf v Ballymun

A gallery of snaps from a great game last night that saw Clontarf come out on top by four points in a nailbiter on Pitch 35. Well done lads.

Final score Clontarf 3-12 Ballymun 2-11

Ticket information for TG4 LGFA Final Dublin v Kerry


The 2023 TG4 All-Ireland Ladies Football Finals will be held at Croke Park on Sunday, the 13th of August.

4pm – TG4 All-Ireland Senior Championship Final – Dublin v Kerry
1.45pm – TG4 All-Ireland Intermediate Championship Final – Clare v Kildare
11.45am – TG4 All-Ireland Junior Championship Final – Down v Limerick

Ticket Information

Adult – €30
U18 – €15
Student/OAP – €15
Family Ticket (2 Adults and 2 U18’s) – €70
Group (1 Adult @ €10 for every group of 10 U18’s at €5 per child) – €60

How you can purchase tickets

Download an order form and email your order directly to the LGFA office

The LGFA are also taking ticket order by phone 01-8363156 

Tickets can also be purchased via Ticketmaster.

 Log onto www.ticketmaster/ or click on the link again located in our page BIO.

 Additional sections of Croke Park will become available on the Ticketmaster website as demand increases.

Junior D Hurling Championship 16th July 2023 V Naomh Mearnóg

A few nice shots from the camera of Sean O’Sullivan from the recent Junior D Men’s Hurling Championship game against Mearnóg where we came away with good win on the day.